An Info Day was held on the occasion of the second public call for the submission of project proposals within the URBACT IV programme of territorial cooperation. An Info Day, on the occasion of the announcement of the second public call for project proposals within the URBACT IV territorial cooperation programme, was held on 8 February 2024. The participants of the Info Day were presented with the most important information related to the second public call of the URBACT programme, the experiences and benefits of the URBACT programme for cities and municipalities, as well as the importance of URBACT projects for the implementation of the national Sustainable Urban Development Strategy and other territorial strategies. The participants were also presented with the online platform of the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities - a portal for monitoring sources of funding for local self-government projects.
In accordance with the priorities of the Sustainable Urban Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, the topics of the second public call of the URBACT programme include:
SP1: Improved and integrated strategic urban framework for sustainable, innovative and inclusive local economic development, employment, strengthening competitiveness and living standards in urban settlements
- Urban poverty
- Employment
SP2: Improved and uniform quality of organisation and accessibility of urban space
- Culture and heritage
- Urban security
SP3: Improved quality and availability of social services, reduced risk of poverty, solved housing needs of all citizens, achieved social inclusion and demographic renewal of urban areas
- Demographics
- Housing
- Inclusion of migrants
SP4: Improved quality of the environment, health and safety of residents in urban settlements and a high degree of adaptability of urban areas to climate change
- Nature-inspired solutions
- Air quality
- Renewable energy
SP5: More efficient management of urban development
- Digitalisation
The second public call for project proposals for the formation of Innovation Transfer Networks was opened on 10 January and will close on 20 March 2024 at 3 p.m. Information about the call is available at the following link: https://urbact.eu/get-involved.
For all additional information about the URBACT programme and conditions of the call, please contact Ivana Davidović or Rade Mirković at the following e-mail addresses: ivana.davidovic@mei.gov.rs and rade.mirkovic@mei.gov.rs.
It is recommended that you identify the network in which you would like to participate as soon as possible and contact the lead partner via the following link: https://urbact.eu/partnersearchtool. Networks can include only one partner from an IPA country.
You can download the agenda and presentations from the held Info Day here.