Department for the Preparation of the Serbian Version of the Acquis Communautaire

The Department for the Preparation of the Serbian Version of the Acquis Communautaire performs tasks related to the following: preparation of legal acts for the translation; organisation and coordination of the translation of the primary and secondary legislation of the European Union into Serbian; creation of translation manuals, linguistic guidelines and instructions for translators; establishment of methodology and criteria for translation quality control; control of the fulfilment of translation, linguistic and technical requirements and criteria regarding the quality of the translation; preparation, organisation and coordination of expert, legal and linguistic revision of translated legal acts of the European Union; preparation of instructions for coordinators of expert, legal and linguistic revisors; establishing a methodology for the comparative analysis of terminology in the official languages of the European Union and in domestic regulations and for determining new concepts; analysis of the quality of the expert, legal and linguistic revision; development of tools for translation and revision of translations and improvement of technical conditions for translation of legal acts of the European Union; training of expert, legal technical and language revisors on methods of revising and using tools for document processing; creation and development of electronic systems for records and statistics of the process of drafting EU legal acts in the Serbian language; updating and maintenance of the document database of translated legal acts of the European Union; preparation and adoption of a proposal for the establishment of a single, standardised terminology of the European Union in the Serbian language; creation, maintenance and updating of the terminological database containing the terminology of the European Union in the Serbian language; ensuring terminological and linguistic compatibility and coherence of translated legal acts; establishing, maintaining and updating a bilingual corpus of texts; cooperation with institutions in the Republic of Serbia, competent EU authorities and countries in the region in order to improve the process of preparing the Serbian version of the European Union acquis; organisation and coordination of translation for the needs of the work process of the Ministry of European Integration; participation in the processes related to the professional development of civil servants in the Department, as well as other tasks in this field.For the purpose of performing the tasks falling within the scope of the Department for the Preparation of the Serbian Version of the Acquis Communautaire the following smaller organisational units are established:

1.  Section for Translation and Legal Revision Coordination and

2. Section for Expert and Linguistic Revision