Department for Communications and Training

The Department for Communications and Training performs tasks related to the following: informing the public and promoting activities in the European Union accession process, as well as informing about the European Union development assistance; coordination of competent institutions in the development and implementation of annual action plans for the implementation of the Communication Strategy on the accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union, after those plans are adopted by the Government of Serbia; coordinating the creation of a strategic communication framework on IPA and its implementation, promotion of activities related to IPA funds and other development assistance; provision of information of public importance; coordinating the cooperation of state administration bodies with the European Commission and other expert bodies of the European Union in the field of communications, as well as cooperation with other domestic and international partners in the implementation of communication activities on the European integration of Serbia; analysis of needs, planning and organisation and evaluation of training in the field of European integration in cooperation with other state administration bodies and government services, cooperation with domestic, foreign and international institutions and organisations in order to provide support in the planning, creation, implementation and financing of EU training and promotion and coordination of the TAIEX programme; participation in processes related to the professional development of civil servants in the Department, as well as other tasks in this area.

For the purpose of performing the tasks falling within the scope of the Department for Communications and Training the following smaller internal units are established:

1. Division for Communications and

2. Group for Training on the European Union.