EU PPF 10 Open Call

July 18 2023

International Consulting Expertise EEIG (ICE) from Belgium in consortium with Business and Strategies in Europe S.A. (B&S) from Belgium, Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH (KPC) from Austria, and Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Nord-Est (North-East Regional Development Agency) (ADR) from Romania is announcing the Annual Open Call for unsolicited applications for the positions of Senior Expert, Senior Specialist, and Junior Non-Key Expert in the following categories:

• Policy analyst
• Institutional analyst
• Financial analyst
• Legal analyst
• Strategic planning expert
• Programming expert IPA and SCF
• Sector Policy expert
• Monitoring and evaluation expert
• MIS IT expert
• Training Specialist
• Procurement and FIDIC expert
• Development assistance expert
• Sector Budget Support Specialist
• IMBC Specialist
• Blending EFSD+ specialist
• Technical expert - project designer
• Statistics / Data Expert - only Junior position
• Research analyst - only Junior position
• Training and facilitation expert - only Junior position

International Consulting Expertise EEIG (ICE) is currently implementing the EU-funded technical assistance project SUPPORT FOR PLANNING, PROGRAMMING, AND COORDINATION RELATED TO EU AND OTHER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE - PPF 10 - NEAR/BEG/2021/EA-RP/0078, managed by the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia.
The duration of the project is 36 months from 05 April 2022 until 04 April 2025.

ICE is providing technical and operational support to the lead beneficiary, Ministry for European Integration acting as the NIPAC technical secretariat. Target groups are all potential beneficiaries of IPA or IFI funding including line ministries, national agencies, local authorities, and other eligible national organisations and agencies. Overall, the project is assisting the Serbian administration to effectively manage EU integration and pre-accession assistance to
speed up preparations for EU membership planning, development, and operationalisation of the strategic and operational framework for pre-accession/accession assistance and the development of a pipeline of mature actions eligible for funding under the conditions of IPA III and of other development partners.

Under the scope of this complex 3-year project, more than 2500 workdays are planned for short-term and longterm expertise, supporting the Contractor in the implementation of the 3 project components:

1. Support for the preparation and implementation of the strategic and operational planning and
programming documents related to EU and other development partner assistance

2. Support for the development and implementation of the monitoring and reporting frameworks related to EU and other development partner assistance

3. Capacity building and support provided to national stakeholders for planning and programming of EU and other development assistance

All experts will have as minimum requirements a Bachelor's university degree or equivalent professional experience (in addition to minimum professional experience), the minimum professional experience as defined below, and fluency in both written and spoken English. Moreover, it is expected that some of the experts should be fluent in the Serbian language as an advantage.

The minimum professional experience is set as follows:

Senior Experts:
• Post-graduate experience of at least 10 years;
• Experience of at least 5 years in the relevant field.

Senior Specialist Experts:
• Post-graduate experience of at least 10 years;
• EU Member State experience for at least 2 years out of the minimum post-graduate experience;
• Experience of at least 5 years in the relevant field;
• Experience in contributing to the preparation and/or implementation of projects which have obtained
financing from the EU budget, EU MS budget, EU MS development bank or multilateral IFI loans carried out
in the EU, accession, or pre-accession countries.

Junior Experts:
• Post-graduate experience of at least 5 years;
• Experience of at least 3 years in the relevant field.

Please apply by e-mail only to the following email address: before 30 September 2023, submitting your CV in the English language in the EuropeAid format together with a brief note outlining suitability for the applied position.

Only shortlisted and suitable candidates will be contacted for further potential cooperation within the span of the project implementation.

The post is not available for civil servants or other officials of the public administration in the Republic of Serbia.