Seminar ‘Competition’ opened at the Ministry of European Integration

October 04 2017 | Belgrade

Seminar ‘Competition’ opened at the Ministry of European Integration

The Ministry of European Integration, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of France, is organising a two-day seminar titled ‘Competition’ with a view to presenting the experiences of the Republic of France in initiating the investigation procedure in the field of competition.

The lecturers Milena Sabeva and Guillaume Pere from the Competition Authority of the Republic of France will convey additional knowledge and experiences to civil servants, members of Negotiating Group 8 − Competition, who are also the participants in Serbia’s EU accession negotiations, on topics such as authorisation in the investigation procedure, sector analyses, requests for provisional measures and leniency programme, conducting the investigation procedure in anti-monopoly cases, making decisions on suspending the investigation and terminating the procedure or imposing fines.