EUR 59 million successfully contracted from EU pre-accession funds

January 03 2019 | Belgrade

EUR 59 million successfully contracted from EU pre-accession funds

The Republic of Serbia has, successfully and within the planned deadline, completed the contracting of projects for the 2014 IPA Programme with a 90.08% contract rate, i.e. in the amount of EUR 59,220,430. So far, 86 contracts have been signed for this programming period.

A high contract rate that has been achieved this year, as well as the previous year, is a clear indicator of professionalism and effort of all institutions of the Republic of Serbia that are part of the IPA structure - the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of European Integration, all ministries and institutions that are beneficiaries of EU funds. This also indicates good cooperation with the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Serbia.

The total budget of the Financial Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the European Union for the 2014 National IPA Programme, implemented through decentralised management of EU funds, amounts to EUR 65,744,160, of which EUR 59,026,160 from EU funds, where the national share is EUR 6,718,000.

The aforementioned programming period includes infrastructural projects and procurement of goods and services in the field of human rights, environmental protection, agriculture, economy, European integration, youth and sport, energy, education, social services, work, employment, strengthening of local self-governments and finance. The deadline for the implementation of these projects is three years.

In this way, through good absorption of EU pre-accession assistance, the Republic of Serbia achieves its strategic goal and continuous to responsibly plan and implement projects, as well as to conform to the set deadlines, which also confirms the readiness of all relevant institutions of the Republic of Serbia to manage EU structural funds in the future.